Father of Laken Riley decries politicization of daughter’s murder

The father of Laken Riley, whom authorities suspect was murdered by an undocumented migrant in February, has objected to how he says his daughter’s death is “being used politically” ahead of the upcoming presidential and congressional elections. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/18/laken-riley-father-statement -The Guardian; 3/18/2024

Fox News hyped the bogus FBI informant claims against Biden. Now it’s refusing to walk them back

Days after explosive bribery claims about President Joe Biden came ripping apart at the seams, Fox News and the broader MAGA Media universe have declined to walk back their factually-challenged narrative. Instead, unscrupulous right-wing media figures have stuck by their corruption claims against Biden, which permeated the conservative information space to such a degree that … Continue reading Fox News hyped the bogus FBI informant claims against Biden. Now it’s refusing to walk them back

Anti-Ukraine rhetoric has saturated right-wing media. Now it is helping to deliver actual war victories to Putin

That atrophy has taken form in Congress where U.S. funding to continue aid for Ukraine has stalled, threatening even more devastating defeats for the Eastern European nation as it struggles to defend its borders from the brutal Russian invasion launched by Putin two years ago this week. [...] It was little more than a decade … Continue reading Anti-Ukraine rhetoric has saturated right-wing media. Now it is helping to deliver actual war victories to Putin

Tucker Carlson (R) gets roasted for praising decades-old shopping cart tech in Russia

In a recent clip following his interview with Vladimir Putin that left the Russian president disappointed at his softball questions, Carlson expresses amazement at a security feature on a grocery store shopping cart. To unlock the cart, the mechanism requires a 10-Ruble coin (around 11 US cents), which is spit back out after the cart … Continue reading Tucker Carlson (R) gets roasted for praising decades-old shopping cart tech in Russia

Sean Hannity and right-wing media claimed the ‘Biden crime family’ took millions in bribes. Their narrative just fell apart

Evidence of the bribery scheme has always been thin, at best, with most authoritative news outlets treating the claims with incredulity. But MAGA Media personalities like Sean Hannity quickly shifted into hyperdrive last year when a supposedly “highly credible” FBI informant claimed to have smoking gun evidence of the conspiracy. [...] The problem? The informant, … Continue reading Sean Hannity and right-wing media claimed the ‘Biden crime family’ took millions in bribes. Their narrative just fell apart

Former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens’ role in Ukraine business, undercutting GOP impeachment inquiry

Special counsel David Weiss charged a former FBI informant with lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s involvement in business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, undercutting a major aspect of Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into the president. [...] Congressional Republicans have championed Smirnov’s now-discredited allegations for roughly a year, though not by name. They fought … Continue reading Former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens’ role in Ukraine business, undercutting GOP impeachment inquiry

Steve Bannon [R] hawks disinformation to support Trump as legal troubles mount

But at the same time he is pushing a tidal wave of election disinformation on his War Room podcast to help Trump win the presidency again and promote a Maga-heavy policy agenda as Trump and his allies plot out authoritarian-style plans for a second presidency. [...] The exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, a Bannon ally … Continue reading Steve Bannon [R] hawks disinformation to support Trump as legal troubles mount

Mitt Romney [R] criticizes Fox News and right-wing media for warping Republican Party

The Utah senator and one-time GOP presidential nominee unleashed a torrent of criticism aimed squarely at the information universe in which most of his party’s members consume their news, characterizing it in a new book as a dangerous propaganda factory detached from reality, poisoning the minds of its inhabitants. [...] “It’s hard to imagine,” Romney … Continue reading Mitt Romney [R] criticizes Fox News and right-wing media for warping Republican Party

News Corp gasses up ‘green’ fossil fuels in a series on future energy – but does it pass the sniff test?

Series sponsored by organisations including coal and gas companies features ‘incorrect’ claims on ‘green gas’ and context missing on carbon capture technology https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/14/news-corp-gasses-up-green-fossil-fuels-in-a-series-on-future-energy-but-does-it-pass-the-sniff-test -The Guardian; 9/14/2023