South Dakota nurse says many patients deny the coronavirus exists — right up until death

But some front-line workers, like Doering, also face the emotional toll of treating patients who, despite being severely ill, are reluctant to acknowledge that they have been infected with a virus that President Trump has said will simply disappear. -Washington Post; 11/16/2020

Right-wing influencers are using the #StopTheSteal hashtag to buoy Trump’s attempts to undercut democracy

But there was no “steal” to be “stopped.” For the most part, the hashtag was tied to efforts to label as suspicious things as simple as counting all legally cast ballots or undertaking state-mandated recounts. It was a phony slogan trumpeted to spread unfounded accusations of voter fraud. -Media Matters; 11/4/2020

Pro-Trump Caravans Disrupting Election Traffic Have Ties to QAnon

QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory turned virtual cult that claims a cabal of elite pedophiles made up of Hollywood actors, Democrats, and other high-ranking officials is behind a global child sex-trafficking ring. The group asserts that Trump is currently fighting the cabal and is planning a day of reckoning known as “The Storm.” The Federal Bureau … Continue reading Pro-Trump Caravans Disrupting Election Traffic Have Ties to QAnon

Chuck Todd airs Trump’s baseless conspiracy theory about doctors and COVID-19 without debunking it

On Sunday, NBC’s Meet the Press host Chuck Todd aired a clip of President Donald Trump falsely claiming that “doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID” without debunking the conspiracy theory. -Media Matters; 11/1/2020

Jared Kushner bragged in April that Trump was taking the country ‘back from the doctors’

The statement reflected a political strategy. Instead of following the health experts' advice, Trump and Kushner were focused on what would help the President on Election Day. By their calculations, Trump would be the "open-up president." -CNN; 10/28/2020 The Five Most Damning Things Jared Kushner Told Bob Woodward About Trump’s COVID Strategy -New … Continue reading Jared Kushner bragged in April that Trump was taking the country ‘back from the doctors’

White House Lists ‘Ending’ Covid-19 Pandemic As Trump Accomplishment

The White House science office lists "ending the Covid-19 pandemic" as one of the top accomplishments of the Trump administration's first term despite the fact that new coronavirus cases are rising precipitously throughout the country, resulting in many hospitals nationwide approaching maximum capacity. -Forbes; 10/27/2020 White House science office takes credit for 'ending' pandemic … Continue reading White House Lists ‘Ending’ Covid-19 Pandemic As Trump Accomplishment

Bevelyn Beatty Rants That Leftists Are ‘Evil, Wicked People’ Who Worship the Devil

Radical right-wing Christian activist Bevelyn Beatty streamed a video on her YouTube page last Monday in which she became increasingly unhinged as she screamed that Joe Biden and Bill and Hillary Clinton are members of the Illuminati who all belong in prison for the rest of their lives. -Right Wing Watch; 10/27/2020

Pat Robertson Prophesies That Trump Will Win Reelection, Then the End Times Will Begin

While America is engulfed in chaos, Robertson predicted that Islamic nations will use it as an opportunity to attack Israel but will be wiped out by God, leading to “a remarkable time of peace.” Following several years of peace and global revival, the world will then experience the End Times’ “great tribulation” when an asteroid … Continue reading Pat Robertson Prophesies That Trump Will Win Reelection, Then the End Times Will Begin

Even if they haven’t heard of QAnon, most Trump voters believe its wild allegations

The problem, though, is that Trump supporters and Republicans are also more likely to say that they ascribe to one of the more toxic parts of the QAnon theory, independent of whether they’re familiar with QAnon itself. -Washington Post; 10/20/2020